Tuesday, January 6, 2009

On the Horizon...

Ok folks, it's 2009, Happy New Year!!! It's 6 days into the new year, how you holding up with your resolutions? Me, I'd say quite well thank you and I'm proud of myself. So what's on the horizon when it comes to Chris. Peek this folks...

1. So I love video games right. Now I'm starting to love this blogging thing also. So why not combine em? Crazy huh? I love watching and reading up on the latest things coming out of "Gameopolis" and I always seem to be the person a lot of my friends come to when they want an insight or opinion about a system or game. Well, I'm putting down my thoughts on paper, or rather on the screen and folks can chime in all they want. It's FREE!!!

2. Twitter. My new best friend. I started on Twitter honestly quite reluctantly. A couple friends introduced it to me. In fact, one introduced it to me as the "the new best way to stake someone", so funny. But as I got more familiar with it, especially thanks to my wife and her close friend, I realized that it is more than just letting people know what you doing. It has become the ULTIMATE networking community. What I love also, is that Twitter Folks, man they are so helpful and love to share info. WTG Twitter!!

3. Big Move!!! Yup, we are heading home. It's been about 5 yrs here in Maryland, and well, we are heading back to beautiful Orlando!! We call it the Fresh Start!! Stay tuned for more on that.

Well, that's it for now. Check out later for another Blog from the Past.


Hey you been by my wife's Blog? It's Hot!!! Check it out:

Parenting Advice or just a great read


  1. So glad you're liking Twitter and blogging. Thanks so much for the shout out! :)

    Follow me on Twitter

    - Modern Mami

  2. Great Post baby. Glad you are stepping out there, trying new things and really liking it. And I hope I can be an encouragement to you and not a NAG!!! Love you :)
