Saturday, November 29, 2008

It's a Girl...

That's right folks, it's a Girl!!! Her name is Sandy, she's now 6wks, not sure how much she weights, she eats like every 4 hrs, poops about the same amount of times, cries when she wants attention, *sigh* what else, and snuggles up to you when she wants to sleep. Yes, Sandy is the newest addition to the family, our new puppy.

She's just the cutest thing. She's essentially Shadow's sister. She came from the same parents, just a different litter. (I'll get a picture up of her in a minute). So she's the same mix, Rottwielder, Husky, German Shepard and Pitbull, only difference is that she's brown. Trust me, you'll hear more about her in future posts. Right now, she is sleeping, so it is quiet and the world can go on, until she wakes up and the world starts revolving around her again :)


1 comment:

  1. You have said it all. She is certainly at handfull and I am so glad I have you to help raise her.

    Oh but you forgot to mention her butt spots. Her trademark feature. You really need to post a picture of that.
